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One Day...

Today's devotion was written by our insightful Music Director, Deanna Deaton in 2012. The message seems prophetic in light of the turbulent times we live in.

Zephaniah 3:14-20

“…I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home” (Zephaniah 3:19b-20a NIV).

In the book of Zephaniah, we hear the writing of a prophet who speaks out for God and against wickedness. Zephaniah writes to inform and warn his people of God’s coming judgment not only against the world, especially nations that had oppressed God’s people, but also against Judah and Jerusalem, God’s people themselves. In so doing, he exposes the false worship practices and corruption of society, leaders and commoners alike.

Zephaniah also writes to give his people details of God’s future program. On one hand, he tells of the fearsome events of the Day of the Lord that must come because of humankind’s sins. On the other hand, he tells of God’s undying concern for God’s people, especially those who are of a humble and contrite heart. Zephaniah predicts that in a future day, Jerusalem will be avenged and purified, its scattered people will be restored to the land, and God’s faithful ones will rejoice in the ultimate happiness that God alone provides.

In consideration of all that must happen in the future, Zephaniah writes to encourage his people to surrender to God, to repent of their sins, and to seek God above all else—not to avoid the force of God’s fiery blast but to live in anticipation of the glorious time when a redeemed and purified people will rejoice in the salvation and delights of God’s love.*

One cannot help but hear similarities between Zephaniah’s society and ours. And one cannot help but live with gratefulness that Christ was born into the world to offer forgiveness and redemption to those who believe in his life, love, and salvation.

In this season of Advent, Christ-followers live with the hope, joy, peace, and love that Christ has already given…yet we anticipate the coming of a day when all will know of this child who would become redeemer and the ultimate restoration he provides. We anticipate the coming of a day when the lame will be rescued, the shamed will be honored, and the exiles will come home.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for the words spoken through the prophet Zephaniah—for the reminder that you have been present and faithful throughout history and that you will continue to be our God who takes great delight in us and rejoices over us with singing. Amen.

--Deanna Deaton

*Richard D. Patterson,

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